an awe inspiring, divinely scintillating, and an ever so vibrant celebration marked the occasion of maha saptami. have been witnessing the pujo since two decades, but today was certainly different. for once I stood spellbound by the magnificent display of devotion represented by its most sublime form - the dhunuchi dance ! it is deep devotion and love for the Goddess that is reflected in those many faces that perform the dance. and it does not get you meddled up in the technicalities - it is simple yet sophisticated, and at the same time a test of your balancing abilities. the accompaniment are wine-glass-shaped earth pots with a wide mouth. in it are put burning coir, coal and wood. to make the pot smoke, in goes dhoop at perfectly orchestrated intervals. the
devotees hold these pots in their hands, either one or both and some expert dancers even hold it in
their mouths or on top of their heads! the sight is marvelous.
the dancers dance to drum beats, of drummers who surround them to form a circle. the drums vary in their beats and so also the dancers. the rhythm is catchy and hypnotic. the atmosphere is all charged and divine, with all the smoke from the dhoop.
for the first time i tried my hand at the dhunuki. the organisers were warm enough to invite the onlookers to offer their services to the Goddess ! it was fun to say the least. the vibrancy of the bengali community and their much-spoken about sweetness was indeed very touching... Sure to be a regular visitor here !